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  • Tyms致力于打造一个高品质,且具有体验价值的国际化社区。任时光流逝,愿岁月静好,我们用心为您开启另一片属于自己的闲情逸致,回归生活本真。

    Tyms is committed to creating a high-quality international community with experiential value that allows every single of you to return to the true nature of life. As time goes by, may the goodness of the days, let us unlock your own carefree mood and meaningful lifestyle.

    Tyms服务式公寓,坐拥110套精致公寓,有一房至三房及复式公寓多种选择。地处徐家汇核心区域,距离地铁1/9/ 11号线仅咫尺之遥。

    Tyms residence offers 110 apartments with one to three bedroom and duplex layouts. In the heart of Xujiahui, a mere block away from the city’s Metro Line 1/9/11.

  • 评价 Evaluation


    It means an interesting, energetic, and exhilarating state, to co-create and share wonderful moments.

    源由 Origin

    Tyms is the short of Treasure Your Moments with plural form, pronounced the same as times.


    Chinese interpretation: Treasure and make your own moments.


  • 虽然对于租户而言,这只是人生的一个阶段旅程,只是一次驻足停留,但却往往意味着更好的出发。

    For every single of you, even the journey in Tyms is just a very short time, Tyms believes that this short stop would become a better departure that for a new life.


    Tyms strives to create an empathetic service temperament and a warm international community atmosphere, so that every guest will be able to feel and surrounded by wonderful moments of acquaintance.

  • Tyms 秉承共创共享的开放心态,真正联结人与空间,始终围绕租户优化服务,深入社区,启迪人们,激发他们的想象力和创造力,让每时每刻都值得用心体验。

    Obedience to the state of co-create and sharing, Tyms is on the go to deeply connect people and space, optimize service around guests and make it deep in community all the time, thus everyone here will be inspired and be more imaginative and creative, then every moment will be worth to experience.


  • 只有更了解,才能更了解

    Only a better understanding can be better understood


    Only examined by time, we can find quality beyond expectation by responsibility and commitment.


    Tyms hopes to have a diligent insight, so that the changing demand can be satisfied and we can truly obtain the trust as time goes by. Thus, our guests can co-create and enjoy fantastic moments and make stay as a better departure, it will stimulate us to inspire and raise fabulous experience for guests.


  • 胜任的 / Competent


    Exquisite quality, excellent service, immediate corresponding and unique experience, all these are foundation of community to let guests fully enjoy brilliant moment in life.

  • 真诚的 / Sincere


    Be sensitive, attentive and friendly, bring service and experience which is well-directed and beyond expectation.

  • 有教养的 / Educated


    From but even more than internationalization. Using the standard which higher than what the industry asked to think how to reach sustainable refinement, we will never forget to be empathetic and considerate.

人才战略 / Talent strategy

人才是企业发展的源动力、创造力、推动力,是企业健康发展、战略实施的关键。我公司人力资源管理着重体现“以人为本” 、“开拓创新” 、“建立积极的学习型组织”的管理概念。